Depuis plus de vingt ans, les Institutions européennes mais aussi les éleveurs, leurs vétérinaires et leurs services de santé animale savent que les menaces sanitaires sont et seront de plus en plus fortes pour l’élevage européen. Plus que jamais, il est exposé à de multiples risques...
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EU CVOs and FESASS seminar on wildlife and farms protection



The participants of the seminar

On 9 November 2022 in Torhout, the Czech Presidency and FESASS organised a joint seminar of the EU CVO working group and the FESASS Board. The aim was to discuss and exchange ideas on how to protect wildlife and farm animals from health threats.
The meeting brought together representatives and experts from across the EU, from Member States' veterinary services, FESASS member organisations, FVE as well as academics and industry representatives.
The participants were welcomed at the headquarters of DGZ - the Flemish member of FESASS - by President Marcel

The group in front of DGZ's offices and diagnostic laboratory (Torhout, Flanders)


The joint seminar of the EU CVO working group and the FESASS Board organised in partnership with the Czech Presidency of European Council gathered about 70 people: representatives and experts from across the EU, from Member States' veterinary services, FESASS member organisations, FVE as well as academics and industry representatives. The aim was to discuss and exchange ideas on how to protect wildlife and farm animals from health threats.

The participants were welcomed at the headquarters of DGZ - the Flemish member of FESASS - by its President Marcel Heylen, Dr Petr Šatrán, Czech Deputy CVO and Didier Delmotte, President of FESASS.


Preisdent Marcel Heylen

   President Marcel Heylen, DGZ

    Dr Petr Šatrán

     Dr Petr Šatrán, Czech Deputy CVO


The Prof. Benedikt Sas, General Director of DGZ presented the activities of his organisation, detailling the DGZ's partnership between the public veterinary services, practicioners and farmers (cf. presentations). He also highlighted the current chalenges for DGZ with the decrease in the number of farmers, the decrease of livestock and the increase in operating costs (mainly energy).


Prof. Benedikt Sas, General Director of DGZ


Dvm Willem Van Praet, Veterinarian Advisor in DGZ, presented the Belgian approach to protect livestock against the risks of wildlife with a focus on prevention and biosecurity. The Belgian system was developed in the light of the country's and its veterinary services' experience in the control and eradication of African Swine Fever. It is based on the digital platform FarmFit and the Biocheck survey and algorithm. (cf. presentations). 

Dvm Willem Van Praet, DGZ 

Dvm Willem Van Praet, Veterinary Adviser, DGZ


The CVOs and FESASS members then discussed the involvement of farmers in this approach and the use of mandatory assessment of the biosecurity level of each farm. It is clear that this approach is based both on the individual assessment of each farm and on a collective approach that involves all farmers.


The last part of this seminar was dedicated to the presentation by Didier Delmotte of the FESASS' draft position on these issues (cf. presentations). This will be finalised at the FESASS Board meeting on 14 December and will be published on this website.

Pdt Didier Delmotte

Président Didier Delmotte


A walking dinner allowed the participants to continue the discussions in a friendly manner.


We are grateful to the Czech Presidency, the DGZ, the speakers and all the participants who made this seminar possible and made it a fruitful time for reflection on these issues.